Here are some pic's from our AWESOME Halloween party! It was so incredibly fun to have all our friends over. We had some crazy food and played some fun games! These are just pic's of all the couples and sorry for those of you who got your head chopped off, I don't know how to fix it. Anyway, everyone went all out on dressing up and it was really cute! We had a pirate and a witch, evil spiderman and spongebob, some cowboys, a nun and a priest, some runners from the Dunder-Mifflin crowd (The Office), Victoria and David Beckham, a cow and his milkmaid, and banana. Blake and Bre are at the top after just losing to Kade and I in the "Mummy wrap." We are so grateful for all our wonderful friends who came to celebrate with us. And I have to give a shout out to Bre who made all this possible. We love all of you and hope that everyone has a Happy Halloween!