Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Worst Night of my Life

Well, last night was officially the worst night of my life. The day started out just fine, went to work and then we went to the lake with some friends after work. We took Zoey to the lake with us, as usual, and she alaong with the rest of us had a good time. When we got back from the lake we were washing the boat out in front of our house and Zoey was running around the yard like she usually does. After we were done we couldn't see her and we had to take the boat up to the hanger so, not thinking too much of it, we took the obat and asked Jon to find Zoey and take her home 'til we got back. When we got to the hanger I just had this sick feeling lin my stomach, a few minutes later Jon called us and said that he found Zoey in the road and she had been hit by a car. They rushed her to the Animal Emergency and we met them there. She spent the night there and this morning the diagnosis was that she has some swelling in her brain. She didn't brake any bones or sustain any other injuries. The vet said that only time will tell if she will make a full recovery so we will just have to wait and see. To some of you this may seem wierd to be this freaked out about a dog, but Zoey is our baby. She means the world to Kade and I so keep her in your prayers and I will update this when I know more.

1 comment:

Clint, Brielle, Molly and Maggie said...

mal, that is so scary and sad. I hope that she is okay. Keep us updated. Poor little puppy.