Friday, April 27, 2007
So my dad has always tried to enforce a sense of appreciation on me of nature and the beautiful world we live in. As usual, I didn't really care throughout my growing up experience. Now, however, I truly love how wonderful and beautiful this place we live in is. I can see why people who have never been here freak out when they see our mountains, blue skies, and red dirt. I feel very grateful for such beautiful surroundings and hope I can grow to appreciate them more as I get older...and wiser. We went on a little hike, Me, Kade, my dad, sister, and brother, and of course how could be leave behind ZOEY! It was so fun to just chill out and let the busy world leave our minds for a while. I also made me realize how lucky I am to have such an awesome fam! I guess this post is a post of gratitude! :)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I love my sister!

Well, as many of you have heard Liz has a big decision coming up! Utah State and U of U both want her to play volleyball for them. She has been really stressted trying to decide what will be best for her. I think NEITHER! I will miss her too much if she's that far away!:( Since I have been married, Liz comes over to my house like at least 3 times a week after school. We have become so close, she really is my best friend! So...I wanted to dedicate this post to her. I will miss her no matter what her decision is, but I am so proud of her and her many accomplishments! I LOVE YOU LIBBI!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Sick Puppy
Ok-ok here is a new post for all you whiners out there. I have been waiting to download some pics (which I still haven't done) so this one is just a story. On Thursday afternoon Zoey was acting really lethargic, she didn't even do anything but lift her head when my dad came over, which is really wierd cuz she usually freaks out with excitement. So for about 3-4 hours she wouldn't move, I was starting to get really worried. Then, all of a sudden she started acting better, she got up and started playing around. We thought that she was fine, until these wierd bumps started forming on top of her head. They got bigger and bigger until her eyes were swollen shut and her snout looked like it was going to explode. I stayed up late with her trying to not let her itch it. When we woke up in the morning the swelling was down and by that evening she was feeling all better. She's back to her excited self now! It was so sad and scary, we think she either got bit by a spider or ate a poisinous plant. Either way I hope it never happens again! Poor Zoey!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Good Morning!

One of Zoey's favorite things to do in the morning is wake up her dad with some big wet kisses. Kade actually doesn't mind them too much. Even though its pretty gross, its nice to know that someone loves you when you wake up in the morning. (Hopefully Kade d
oesn't get as slobbery when he get his good morning kisses from me)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Easter Egg Hunt

So you would think that at 20 years old I would be done easter egg hunting...NO WAY! My parents had a "grown-up" easter egg hunt at their house on Sunday. Each egg had $$$$Money$$$$ in them! Me, Kade, Liz, and Hunter were all knocking each other down trying to get the most eggs. Then there was a big egg for each one of us that had our names on them that were hidden really hard and they had a grand prize in them. All in all I made $30 bucks. Not bad for a leisurely Sunday activity! I LOVE EASTER!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
So I guess that I have been tagged so here are 5 things about me most people don't know...
1. I LOVE my DVR
2. I have become a "dog person," Gross, I know but love me anyway.
3. I love cooking (I am actually getting quite good) and am a professional cake decorator
4. My nick-name in my family is "Malbert" Don't think that I don't know that it is HIDEOUS
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Monday, April 2, 2007
Time Flies...
So in one month and I dont' know how many days I will have been married for an entire freaking year!!!! That is so wierd. I'm trying to think of fun one year anniversary activities or get-aways. Suggestions will be appreciated! Thanks ya'll!
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