So our precious little puppy Zoey did the craziest thing last week that I must share with you all. She loves stuffed animals, she loves them so much that she rips them to shreds. She knows exactly where the seams are and she will patiently pick at them until she finds her in and then rip out every last bit of stuffing. After cleaning up several of these instances I wanted to discontinue stuffed animals in our home but Kade thought it was the funniest thing ever (since he didn't have to clean it up) so he kept sneaking her some of her favorite toys! Sidenote: For those of you who have kids is this how it is? He loves her so much he gives her what she wants when I'm not looking? I'm assuming so and I'm not looking forward to that. ANYWAY a little while ago she found her alligator (one of the few survivors from Christmas) and ripped into it. I saw she was having fun and had already made a mess so I decided to clean the kitchen before I tackled her disaster. When I returned to the family room I found most of the stuffing had disappeared! What the...!!!!! Yep, she ate it! Almost an entire stuffed animal's worth of cotton stuffing. Zoey had cotton balls coming out both ends for 3 days and 3 nights! Needless to say that was the straw that broke the camels back and Kade and I are in agreement that Zoey doesn't get anymore stuffed animals! For those of you who have been trying to convince us to have kids, we ask, "Why? We already have one!"